Every month I have some collecting trips in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar and sometimes Nepal to many places with different vegetation
Lowland rainforest on a altitute of about 400 m in the south of Thailand
Highland evergreen mist forest on a altitute above 2000m in the north of Thailand
Highland forest with rhododendron and oak on a altitute between 2400 and 2800m in western Myanmar
Pine forest on a altitute of about 1400m in the north of Thailand
Dry deciduous dipterocarp forest on a altitute between 400 and 700m in the north of Thailand
Gallery evergreen/deciduous forest on riverbanks on a altitute of about 200-400m in mittel and south Laos
Dry deciduous forest on limestone mountains on a altitute between 200 and 500m in mittel Laos
Cultivated area with some nature trees on a altitute of about 300-500m in eastern Thailand